Can You Drink Herbal Tea While Pregnant?

At any grocery store or health food shop, there are countless herbal teas on display – but many may not be safe for pregnant women to consume, posing risks such as miscarriage and preterm labor. Therefore, it’s important to read labels and limit how much of these beverages you drink during your pregnancy.

To determine whether an herbal tea is safe during gestation, it’s usually easiest to look at its ingredients list and ask your midwife or doctor. They are usually willing to assist in helping determine what is considered safe or unsafe.

Teas made from herbs commonly used in food preparation, like chamomile and ginger, are safe during pregnancy. Other herbs like pennyroyal, tansy and mugwort should be avoided due to their potential to stimulate uterine contractions–an increased risk in pregnancy. This is especially relevant during the first trimester when these substances may have an especially detrimental impact on expecting mothers.

Avoid drinking teas that contain large quantities of nettle leaf, peppermint or red raspberry leaves as these ingredients have been linked with stimulating the uterus, potentially leading to miscarriage. Furthermore, never make tea from plants you have collected yourself as this could expose your baby to bacteria, viruses or toxins that could harm its development.

Though herbal teas may seem beneficial for pregnant women, no one truly understands their effects until more research has been completed–something which could take several years. Therefore, experts advise pregnant women to stick with non-herbal teas during their gestation.

Rooibos tea is an ideal option for pregnant women as it contains naturally caffeine-free antioxidants that may aid with digestive issues and reduce stress hormone cortisol levels, helping with morning sickness symptoms. Ginger tea may also ease nausea and vomiting during gestation while chamomile can soothe nerves and alleviate anxiety as you sleep better through the night.

Caffeine consumption during pregnancy is generally considered safe in small doses–roughly 200mg daily–but it should be noted that caffeine crosses the placenta, and research indicates it could potentially contribute to low birth weight or miscarriage.

Non-herbal teas often contain hidden caffeine sources that make regulating your consumption difficult, as well as variations between brands that make it hard to monitor how much is in each cup. Therefore, when purchasing them it is crucial to check labels thoroughly when purchasing.


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